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Monitoring PhotoWhile business hours may vary, vital IT systems never shut down. GSit Group helps clients sleep well at night knowing the systems and networks necessary to keep their business running are being monitored 24/7.

If there is a problem, we’re on it before your head comes off the pillow.

We design, install and maintain remote monitoring systems that notify both GSit Group and our clients if a problem arises during off hours.

We offer PC-based monitoring of network devices, environmental systems, appliances, workstations, servers, UPS battery backups, etc.  Monitors notify us and/or clients of system statuses via cell phone or PDA.  If a system or device such as a server has a problem and does not respond on a Friday night, an alert allows us to fully restore the downed server before start of business on Monday.

GSIT Group, Inc.

60 Laura Drive

Gillette, NJ 07933
Fax: (908) 292-1049
Cell: (732) 910-3793
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