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Whether a sole proprietor, a three-person law firm or a two-building trucking company, every business relies on networks to operate smoothly. From hitting print across the room to tracking inventory flow across the region, companies rely on these hidden lifelines every minute of every day.

GSit Group provides clients with a full menu of network services for either on-site, remote or virtual office environments.

We keep your vital information flowing.

Small Business Office Environment
1-15 workstations and/or users

Economic Yet Effective
New entry-level brand name equipment from HP, Dell, IBM, Sony, etc.

1 server or PC as a server running windows 2003

1-10 PC workstations sharing drives and printers

1-3 network printers

1 firewall/vpn for security and remote control

1 wired or wireless router

1 100MB network switch

UPS battery backup



Medium to Large Office
15-plus workstations and/or users

Premium Value
New advanced application brand name equipment from HP, Dell, IBM, Sony, etc.

3+ server running windows 2003

20+ PC workstations sharing drives and printers

3+ network printers

1 firewall/vpn for security and remote control

1+ 1GB switches

2+ UPS battery backup

Cat 6 cable recommendation

T1+ Internet connection

GSIT Group, Inc.

60 Laura Drive

Gillette, NJ 07933
Fax: (908) 292-1049
Cell: (732) 910-3793
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